So even though this is technically number two of my London Scrap Book I am going to say it’s number one because it’s January and it just felt weird putting #2 by it! You can check out my previous month all about Christmas here.

Given that i was away from the 5th this entry is a little thin on the ground for all things local, but I still wanted to share some lovely moments before we hopped on a plane to India (more on that later!)


Jolly Butchers Pub, Stoke Newington

This is our absolute favour local! It does amazing beers and also has an in house Indian kitchen meaning the bar snacks are out of this world. We came here the night before we flew to India, because who doesn’t indulge in some dahl when that’s what they’ll be living off for the next three weeks?! No photos of the delicious food so here’s one of us looking super excited to be going away.

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Coupette, Bethnal Green

We stumbled upon this gorgeous cocktail bar after our visit to the V&A museum, intending to stay for one beverage which turned into a few more, plus a sharing board. The Bloody Mary Martini was out of this world.


V&A Museum of Childhood

This is such a cute & free museum to go to in London! A proper trip down memory lane. I used to be (and still am!) obsessed with dolls houses and the tiny things that go in them so i descended upon their exhibition of them here. Also so much nostalgia for 90s toys!

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There was so many lovely places to practise in India, my two favourites being in the forest and by the sea. Nothing more relaxing than Shivassana listening to birds & waves!

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Bao Buns @ Spitalfields Market

No photos of this because they were gone WAY too soon but was super fun to visit a new area again and peruse the food trucks at Spitalfields! Definitely a new weekend fave.

Aside from that I’ve mostly been drinking chai, sipping Kingfisher beer and eating allll the curries, rotis and samosas! iPhone photos of our train breakfast of champions & these delightful little clay throwaway chai cups.

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Films and TV show have taken a bit of a backseat this month for obvious reasons so these were mostly consumed on planes! So keen to get back to my favourite cinema in February, Castle Cinema, and catch up with some new releases. 

Hustlers - This is just pure ridiculousness feating J-lo & Cardi B. Pretty controversional given that it’s based on a true story but did give me some lols none the less.

Once upon a time in Hollywood 

Peanut Butter Falcon - hands down the best film I saw this month, and possibly will be this year! I was in absolute tears over this. Funny, poignant, thought provoking with a fantastic soundtrack.

Marriage story - Had high hopes for this as it was reviewed so well, but again didn’t quite hit the spot for me. There were some great, emotional scenes but never really felt like it got going enough. Scarlett J was brilliant though!

Also watched the first episode of Dracula on BBC - freeaaaky! Definitely going to watch the second one but maybe not just before bed.


Being away gave me so much time to read this month which I am super happy about. A great start to my 52 book challenge! Before I go to Sleep was my best can’t-put-down book of the holiday; anyone into their psychological thrillers that and The Silent Patient are well worth a read. I am trying to read a bit more non fictional this year too so I finally finished Body Posi Power, and also started the Club Soda mindful drinking book to help my try and cut back a bit on my love of the vino and introduce some tasty alcohol free beverages into my fridge!

  1. Tuned out

  2. Postcards from a stranger

  3. Body posi power

  4. To be a mindful drinker 

  5. Queenie

  6. The silent patient

  7. Before I go to sleep 

  8. Indian Summer 

And aside from all the above I’ve been travelling around India! The blog to my travel photos will be up in a few days and I’ll link it here, as well as a bit about our experiences - the highs (there were many) and the lows (there were also many). Stay tuned!

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Documentary Wedding Photographer - The Small Things
