Festival DIY Wedding with sequins and crowns - Alternative Wedding Photography


Alternative Wedding Photographer

This is actually an oldie… but such a goodie I am re-blogging it from 2015. I came across these images while riffling in my hard drives and was blown away with all the love, care and attention Kate & Ed not only put into organising this day but putting in so much of themselves into everything. It was all SO personal and the absolutely antithesis of a cookie-cutter wedding. Kate’s handmade blue dress was just epic - adorned with pop-poms no less! They donned some sequin capes and crowns after their ceremony in the woods which completed the whole outfit as well. They decided to do the legal part on the same day with a small registry office do and then a ceremony planned and led by themselves in the woods near Gloucester. We did squeeze in a little pint at the pub between these and a picnic spot where I got to cheers with some bubbly with them both!

The woodland ceremony was just beautiful - so personal and unique to them. Then they led a procession down the hill (with kazoos!) and their doggo on the lead to celebrate in merriment at their festival feel site. Food was a bring and share meal which kept everything very low-key and relaxed, there was day-time ceilidh dancing, fire poi, afternoon naps (seriously, the most relaxed wedding ever) and just lots, and lots of merriment. I also love how we did the ‘formals’ aka not at all formal! it was more grab your friends when they’re around and just generally mess about in front of the camera rather than a stiff line up situation - which I obviously relished :) Their mixed-sex bridesfolk dressed any way they wanted to make them feel as comfortable as they could too!

“Thank you so so so much Flo! We had such a crazy-good time. Everyone was saying what a great job you did putting them all at ease - Ben, who was a wedding photographer for years, said he didn't realise that you weren't a guest for a good couple of hours because you blended so well! And of course, we loved your company. You made us both feel so relaxed and when your photographer spots you for a pint when you've forgotten your purse what more can you ask!

You were the cherry on the magical cake that was our wedding day.”


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Alternative Pagan Wedding Ceremony