Shropshire Wedding Photographer goes to Bakewell - Jake & Alice's Engagement Shoot

One of the things I love about working as a wedding photographer is travelling to places I haven't seen before, not just exotic abroad locations or exploration, but parts of this beautiful country I call home. Although I love my home county of Shropshire I also jump at the chance to explore other places. This weekend I travelled up to Yorkshire for the weekend for two engagement shoots - first stop was Bakewell! 

Bakewell Engagement Shoot 

For Jake & Alice's shoot the weather was absolutely perfect - the most spring day you can imagine. Cyclists were out in their hoards, the ducks were tanning themselves by the river edge, and the daffodils positively shone from the fields. We met for a coffee first, to chat about where they're up to in their wedding planning and get to know each other a bit before we headed out to take some snaps. I'm sure they won't mind me saying but they were pretty nervous (like most of my couples!) so having a coffee before hand can help ease any apprehensions and help put people at ease before I whip my camera out.

We tried to find a more secluded spot in Bakewell but in the heat of the day, we were pretty much surrounded by holiday makers with their ice-creams and fish and chips! We did find a playing field though which was a bit less busy, except for the adorably quaint OAPs playing croquet (!) 


Engagement shoot with dogs (!) in Harrogate, Yorkshire - Nat & Dan
