BEST OF 2019...!

Documentary Wedding Photographer in London

I’m going to open with a cliche here and just say it feels like about five minutes ago I was doing my best of round up for 2018 and yet here I am on the 2nd Jan 2020 (Am I the only one who still feels like it’s a made-up futuristic date?!) attempting to plough though tens of thousands of images to select my absolute favourites.

Making these slideshows is partly about show casing my best work to new couples (obvz) but also it’s a massive reminder to me about a) how far I’ve come as a photographer b) how damn LUCKY I am to meet all these wonderful people and c) that I am actually doing OK as a self employed camera lady bumbling her way through life which quite frankly is how I feel most of the time.

If you just wanna see photos (no judgement there!) just click PLAY on the video above, or scroll down for more wittering from me.

This year has been a funny one with it’s own ups and downs personally, with the biggest change being re-locating to London from Shropshire is September (ish - sometimes I think the move is still in progress as there’s boxes dotted here there and everywhere and a whole storage lockup full of our stuff) and deciding where I wanted to place and base myself work wise for 2020 onwards. I’m still figuring that bit out but for now I am absolutely loving the London life and taking it upon myself to sample the best food & cocktails around…

One of the biggest things in my life is always travel and this year despite the move has been no exception! The year started in South America (you can view my travel photography blog post here!) followed by a motorbike trip to Portugal with my Dad, a work trip (for an epic wedding!) to Sweden, another bike trip to Italy (not sure how I managed to wangle two of those in a year…) a birthday excursion to Bulgaria with my best friend and then finally finished with a ski trip which ended up not really going to plan in France! Exploring new places really is my passion and I feel very lucky I’ve managed to fit all that in in the last 12 months.

Aside from that I didn’t quite reach my 52 book challenge but I did read 32 (One of them being Sapiens which took me about 2 months!) which I am proud of. I also got 4 more tattoos, started playing tennis again, celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary, managed to maintain a consistent yoga practise, got sparkly at Shambala festival, talked on the radio, went to numerous gigs and exhibitions AND dyed my hair pink…


Business wise I’ve switched camera systems from Canon to Sony which has been incredible at revolutionising the way I shoot! I am beyond excited to really put it through its paces next year! I am waving goodbye to my hard drive storage as i’ve gone from shooting 2,000 image a day to about 5,000! With the move to London my office is now in Hackney Down Studios which I am loving - wonderful to be around so many other creative people doing their thing.

I’ve launched Fox & Cub, my family photography brand, which I am really keen to do more of in 2020 - so do get in touch if you’re looking for some relaxed family photographs together. I am also working on something else in the pipe line to work with more small businesses and brands providing imagery for websites and social media - something I’ve done a fair bit of in my time but never given it a proper space or push to thrive. Launching Fox & Cub is a big help thanks to Anna Hardy who’s workshop I did in Manchester in October!

I’m pretty booked up for next year but I’d love to shoot some more London weddings, particularly at Stoke Newington town hall and in Hackney too so please do get in touch if you’re on the hunt for a photographer still as I am offering some snazzy discounts for nice & local weddings….

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Davenport House Wedding Photography - Shropshire - Lyndsey & Conor