Personal Florence Fox Personal Florence Fox


I always struggle with photography on trips; do I take my ‘work’ camera? Do I use my lightweight Fuji instead? Do I take no photos? When I switch my brain into ‘camera taking mode’ it can be hard to relax sometimes I end up making the whole trip about getting that incredible epic shot rather than enjoying the scene in front of me and interacting with people.

Part of this trip was switching off from work too, and re-forming my view on the medium that I work with. SO, I bought a film camera and vowed to only shoot film for this trip. Learning to use film again had been on my list for a long time and always got shoved to the bottom, but this trip away was about me pushing myself so off I went to the second hand camera store.

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Personal Florence Fox Personal Florence Fox


I’ve been so inspired this year with my travel photography work, and realised I don’t really share any of it! Travel & photography are probably my two biggest passions so exploring them together has been wonderful, and the perfect tonic to wedding season. It enables me to be creative not for a client or couple, but free to see and capture the world as I want.

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Personal Florence Fox Personal Florence Fox


So those who follow me over on Facebook, Instagram or sent me an email in November will have seen that I took a little internet / technology break for a month late last year, and amongst other places visited the incredible Cuba. There really are no words to describe the vibrancy and individuality of this country and the people who live there and as I'm no writer, I'll let my photos tell the story. It sounds odd but there, everything makes an amazing photo.

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Personal Florence Fox Personal Florence Fox

Talking about my business values....

What are you business values?

This is a question which has come up a few times on workshops I've been on this year and I really wanted to put aside some time to think about the questions, and define what I'm about as a person and as a business. 

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Personal Florence Fox Personal Florence Fox

My Grandpa {Personal Post}

Sometimes it's good to shoot what's close to you. My Grandpa, in the way I see him. Watching the same daytime TV shows every day, picking tomatoes from his garden for them to waste away in the kitchen, unless I am there in which case I return home laden. Smiling mostly, but also quite confused, surrounded by pictures he loves of his grandchildren. 

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Personal Florence Fox Personal Florence Fox


So.. I'm back! 2 and a half months travelling around south east Asia is over and although I know I'm going to miss the good weather, the cheap food, the endless excitement of meeting and seeing so many news faces everyday, I have to say I am happy to be home. This week has been full of all the mundane back off holiday tasks like washing all your clothes, opening post, catching up on life admin, but also nice things like drinking Yorkshire tea and eating home cooked British food, which we've missed so much. 

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