Wedding Advice Florence Fox Wedding Advice Florence Fox

How to love yourself in your wedding photographs

After working in the wedding industry for nearly 5 years it regularly aggravates me how much bullshit there is that’s angled to make the bride feel like she is not enough as she is, and how now she is a ‘bride’ there is even more of an expectation (and let’s be frank, normal every day life is just enough) to look million dollar perfect. And by that I mean like the size 0 air brushed models plastered on the front of the magazines. There’s lists about body scrubs and facials and pedicures and tanning and diet plans – the list goes on. You might think the one day of your life you are marrying someone you adore and who adores you, you might be free from that kind of pressure but in fact it is just multiplied.

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Florence Fox Florence Fox

West Mill Wedding Venue in Derby, Industrial-Style Wedding Venue - Kath & Daz

I cannot believe this has taken me over a year to blog! I loved this venue so much. A building with so much character and history, that works perfectly as a gorgeous wedding venue as well. There pockets of incredible light everywhere thanks to the beautiful windows and the interior is filled with industrial decor which is perfect for photographs. I don’t usually include that many photographs of ceremony rooms in my blog posts but this one is just too pretty to miss!

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