Lockdown Photography Project

Lockdown Photography Project


Pretty soon after the news broke that we were going to have to stay inside for the foreseeable future, I decided to set myself a photography challenge. I am not someone who does well without routine, certainty or plans and I knew I was going to have to pull out all the stops to help myself stay focused and positive throughout the next few months. A project isn’t the answer to that but it did help me stay connected with my camera during this time, which helped me creative brain, which in turn helped my mental health. It made me try and look at things in a different way (sometimes upside down - cue a headache) to play with my camera settings and experiment and above all; let go. When you are shooting for a client or a couple the pressure for every photo to be fantastic is huge, and it puts a strain on your expectations of yourself. I am super critical of my work, always seeing something that could have been better or improved and although this is great for growth it can also be demoralising when you’re your own worst critic. So part of this was just saying it’s okay to shoot something a bit crap something if it’s just for fun! Not every photo you take needs to be worthy to hang on a wall in an art gallery. Once I started this it really tapped into and challenged that part of my brain as well and made me confront that part of my perfectionist personality. My default mode would be to show these images and then tell you all the ways I wish I’d done it better - been more creative, found better light, lined things up neater - but the bottom line is it doesn’t matter. This was for me to shoot to a brief that I set myself and to experiment - no more and no less.

So here’s my 30 photos.


Festival Wedding at Home in Shropshire


Engagement Shoot at Haughmond Hill in Shropshire